Welcome to the Salpointe Spirit Store

    All items must be picked up in the Spirit Store during store hours.

We do not ship. 

Follow us on Instagram for up-to-date store information @salpointespiritstore

Salpointe Dress Code Requirements 

All Salpointe student uniform polos, outerwear, and PE uniforms may be purchased on campus at our Spirit Store.  We currently have an assortment of colors and sizes. Please refer to the Salpointe Dress Code for details. Uniform bottoms may be purchased outside of the Spirit Store at any retailer of your choice. 

Store Hours


The Spirit Store follows the Salpointe Calendar and is closed when the campus is closed, this includes holiday breaks & school holidays. At times the Spirit Store will be closed during school hours, please refer to the calendar for closures. We will post our schedule and will occasionally be open for special events on weekends or evenings. The mobile kiosk will occasionally be out at our home football games and other special events as scheduled. 


We look forward to serving you.

Call us at 547-5889 or email with questions. We look forward to serving you!

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